Tra Terra e Acqua 1

Tra Terra e Acqua (Between Land and Water)

by Concetta Fratto e Pino Ianneli · Italia · 2016 · 36' · Festival delle Terre

Sunday 4 December 2016
Città dell'Altra Economia

Tra Terra e Acqua 1

The documentary Between Land and Water, realized with the contribution of the CMU and the legal advice Cultural Association, was produced by Lastcam Film Production and Video under Project Civic Uses – Collective Ownership: Video necklace on the collective properties in Italy.

Recounts the historical, legal, and cultural aspects of CUM – Consortium of Massenzatica Men – in the municipality of Mesola, province of Ferrara.
An excellent example of collective management, a common heritage of over 350 hectares, capable of responding even today to community needs. Needs met placing at the center the welfare and support of the group and not the individual, but also respect for their own land and identity.

Direction Concetta Fratto e Pino Ianneli Screenplay Concetta Fratto Photography Pino Iannelli Editing Giuseppe Iannelli e Caterina Iannelli Music Daniele Mutini e SpakkaneapolisProduction Lastcam Produzioni Cinematografiche e Video