Feeding Our World – Festival delle Terre @ Aberystwyth University, Galles, UK

We are very pleased to invite you to the “Festival delle Terre Film Festival: Feeding Our World” @ Aberystwyth University, Galles, UK.

Our film festival will include 4 events, screening 5 internationally acclaimed films.

We will have the chance to meet the film-makers or the producers, watch beautiful documentaries, and debate with our panel of experts about the themes of land rights, human rights, social, environmental and economic sustainability.

The aim is to gather people from different backgrounds together, raise awareness about those themes, favour new initiatives, and boost cooperation between researchers in different disciplines, which approach the themes from different perspectives.

Dates to put in your calendar:

  • 03/03/2017 – Land for our food by Julio Molina (Italy-United Kingdom-France-Romania-Spain, 2015, 35’)
  • 30/03/2017 – Terra Nera by Danilo Licciardello (USA-Canada-Africa, 2012, 65’)
  • 27/04/2017 – Timbaktu by Rintu Thomas (India, 2012, 30’), The Voice of the Land by Guglielmo Del Signore and Carlo Bolzoni (Romania, 2016, 29’)
  • 26/05/2017 – Code of Survival by Bertram Verhaag (Germania, 2016, 95′)

Llandinam Building Room B22, 6:30 pm

Feeding Our World has been organised thank to the Postgraduate Competition Grant of Aberystwyth University , by Flavia Occhibove in collaboration with Festival delle Terre, AU Sustainability Society, AU Organic Food Coop Society and Aber Food Surplus.