Thank you all for having enriched our biodiversity, and made possible Festival delle Terre 2016

The festival has ended. We are very happy to have met so many people with whom we could say together, “Future is unwritten!”

For having enriched our biodiversity, and made possible Festival delle Terre 2016 thanks to

  • all the authors of the documentaries and films selected or not
  • Annamaria Licciardello, Barbara Pullerà e Giorgio Simoni del Cinema Trevi – Cineteca Nazionale
  • Laura Lucamarini e Laura Baro for translations and subtitling
  • Barbara De Luca, Andrea Ferrante, Enrico Menta e Fabrizio of Città dell’Altra Economia
  • Simone Tso who created the splendid drawing of “Future Is Unwritten”
  • Genny Sammartino e Flavio Capotorti who have exhibited their works on December 4 at CAE
  • our companions of adventure at Centro Internazionale Crocevia: Stefano Mori, Federica Sperti, Benedetta Merlo, Mauro Conti, Antonio Onorati, Stefano de Angelis, Silvia de Angelis
  • Flavio Gianandrea, Davide Infantino e Nicolò Macale for video shooting
  • Artinconnessione Servizi Spettacolo & Chiara Crupi
  • to Stefano and Erica parents
  • to all participants and supporters!